Bev Seay
Title: Entrepreneurial Senior Executive
Date: October 20, 2015
Bev Seay is an Entrepreneurial Senior Executive with global experience and Fortune 500 track record. She is a recognized leader in innovative and creative technologies with strong university ties through personal commitment and industry collaboration. As a long time supporter of Flashpoint, Ms. Seay is also an advisor, coach, and mentor to university students and entrepreneurs. Ms. Seay has proven expertise in domestic and global business operations with a unique blend of strengths to include start-up, turnaround, high growth and acquisition. Not only is she adept at using extensive personal network to develop funding sources, build partnerships, and close deals, Ms. Seay has led the innovation of pioneering approaches in systems engineering, modeling and simulation, and the delivery of complex, composable software and hardware systems.
Bev received her Master's of Science in Computer, Information and Control Engineering as well as her Bachelor's of Science in Mathematics from the University of Michigan.